My husband who just bought me an Acer Aspire 4743Z is one of the speakers for Cyberzone's Techno Life Affair happening on Marcg 24-26. He will be speaking about blogging on the 26th to be exact. More than him, I'd go to see Alodia whom I super adore <3
Alodia's sharing her techie hobbies at the event
When/Where: March 24-26, 2011; SM Megamall Event Centre
What: "TechnoLife Affair"; A convention displaying the latest gadgets today, and the hottest personalities in the tech & online scene.
Some Special Features: Gadget Update by Abe Olandres, Blogging101 by Azrael Coladilla, Alodia Meet & Greet with special costume exhibit, as well as special lectures/features by various technology brands.
Speaker of the house, Azrael Coladilla
See you all there! This is an open event and anyone can join for free without the need to register. Are you coming?