At Kaya Korean Restaurant, I had the first taste of the newest chocolate drink endorsed by John Lloyd - Choco Lava. Surprisingly, the Choco Lava was served cold but it was as creamy as hot chocolate. According to John Lloyd who was across my table, Choco Lava is fat free and can be enjoyed without the guilt. Zero grams of fat and only 80 calories per serving :)

John Lloyd doesn't want to get fat!
“I hardly ever took chocolate beverages because they’re too fattening… but with Choco Lava, I now have a choice. I can enjoy a chocolate drink na hindi ako magsisisi in the end.” I also have to note how fresh John Lloyd looks this time, better than the last time I saw him. Maybe chocolate makes him happy?

Chele and Ginny of Stratworks
Trying out Choco Lava in style are other members of the press, friends from Stratworks, and fans of Mr. Choco Lava himself.

Choco Lava-holics
According to the Choco Lava team, the drink is really meant to be served cold as it can go with anything that way. It's a good treat during lunch breaks or to signal your relaxing me time at home.

Yet, I tried Choco Lava hot and it is just as good. Especially on rainy days, it's a guilt-free chocolatey activity for a happy midnight snack!