There is no prep time for the Bio Sculpt, all I had to do was lie down and the staff connected the wires to my thighs. I was nervous on what to expect but it wasn't painful at all, just a bit of gulat/surprising factor. Read more after the jump.
The wires send some sort of medium frequencies to the area, making it vibrate or more like electrocuted in a good way. I could feel the electrons or frequency like millions of ants crawling through my thighs and squeezing my muscles.
Each session would last 30 minutes and to get noticeable results, 15 sessions are needed at around Php 1,500 each. The Bio Sculpt is for toning and is best for people who go to the gym with less fat. For fat burning and skin tightening, you can try the Tenor or the Lipo Lite.
Outfit for the day was a dress I got at, I love the geometric lines.