
14 January 2009

Jollibee's 39er Bazaar

Good friend Jollibee texted that he will hold a bazaar and everything will be sold for 39 pesos, what?

So I met Jollibee there and saw him inside his bazaar. Bags, Jollibee stuff toys, Jollibee housewares, and even Jollibee coffee mugs were being sold.

Jollibee gave me a handful of shopping "play" money, each bill amounted to 39 pesos and I used these in grabbing all the items. I filled up two eco friendly shopping bags!

I didn't know that 39 pesos can still buy so much, Jollibee even showed us that you can enjoy eating at Jollibee for only 39 pesos. Jollibee is offering 39er meals and at 39 pesos, the meals are so much filling and delicious.

The Beef Strips are my favorite, tasty and healthy with the veggie side dish. I guess this is perfect for students and especially office workers looking for budget but delicious meals.

I guess in times of osterity, all we need is just a little creativity ! :)

Thank you Jollibee for the wonderful shopping and gastronimic experience.