On a rainy Tuesday in Manila, the smell of coffee lead us to Paseo de Bahamas where bands were getting ready to perform like rockstars. All the bands had one thing in common, all of them are products of the Nescafe 3in1 Soundskool. From just playing inside their home garage, these young talents have conquered the stage with throngs of fans screaming their names.
Letter Day Story with Nescafe's Eileen Rose Bangcoro
Nestle's Ruth Navales and Vic Valenciano of Sony Philippines
Marcel Fabie and John Hendrix
If you are ready to live the rockstar dream, Nescafe Soundskool is now open for applications. You'll have the chance to meet your rock idols, be trained by musical teachers, and have a rockstar makeover. The winner will also receive an exclusive record deal with Sony Philippines. Log on now to www.nescafe3in1.com.ph/soundskool