The Body Mass Index (BMI) measures your weight in relation to your height. Through the BMI, you can see if your weight falls under nomal, obese, or underweight. As much as all of us would like to be underweight like a supermodel - being in the normal scale spells wellness which leads to a longer and happier life.
Download Nestle's BMI Calculator
Are you an Apple or a Pear?

The ideal waist circumference for women is below 31 inches.
Download Nestle's Test Belt or divide your waist circumference by your hip circumference. If your score is .80 or above you are an apple, if your score is below .80 you are a pear. If you are an "apple-shape", you tend to store fat in your abdomen and you are more prone to heart disease and diabetes. You are a "pear-shape" if you store fat in your thighs and hips and you are prone to osteoporosis, varicose veins, and eating disorders.

Wellness Warriors: Lester, Jaymie, Au, Lace (not me), and Chef Tess
Now that you know your numbers, you are on a better road to wellness. Don't lose hope if your abdomen seems not to get any smaller. It is the last to go and the first to return (bummer). It's a good idea to measure yourself along the way, to see if you are doing the right fitness and diet regimen. Learn more and be guided on your little steps to wellness (and a hot body) by visiting choosewellnes.com.ph