The lightest fashion heavy-hitter awaits at Paul Smith
I just have to say that this is the most awesome launch I have ever attended. At Felix Restaurant in Greenbelt 5, a few bloggers and media people gathered for an intimate dinner with Globe.
Veca and Menxhie, fashionable Globe duo
Lauren, Lizz, and Helga
The "product" was revealed an hour later at Paul Smith and everyone got the chance to see real Modu phones for the first time ever.
Modu phones with Paul Smith's Toys
The Modu phones looked really chic with Paul Smith's collections as proven by a mini fashion show.
Everyone enjoyed front seats and wine at Paul Smith
Manny, Pao, Cecille, and Vanie
Modu phones are one of the simplest yet most innovative mobile phones you can ever get. It comes with different jackets for different use like the sports skin that you can attach to your arm while running so you can both enjoy music and be connected while doing your physical activities.
Me and my Modu
I am sure to run one of these days with this cool Modu, it also comes with an Immortal Txt SIM card that will never expire. More about the Modu phone soon!
Models and their Modu phones in different jackets